Saving Energy On Compressed Air Does More Than Save Money

smoggy city

Approximately 70% of all manufacturers have a compressed air system. These systems power a variety of equipment, including machine tools, material handling and separation equipment, and spray painting equipment. Energy audits conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) suggest that over 50% of compressed air systems at small to medium sized industrial facilities have low-cost energy conservation opportunities.

Significant air emissions are released when electricity is produced. A recent study for the state of Minnesota, indicated that one-fourth of the energy-related emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, lead and mercury are from generating electric power. Industry uses over 34% of this electricity. Reducing electricity used by compressed air systems will help improve everyone’s air quality.

A team of qualified auditing engineers is the correct way to evaluate your system.

Contact me today to schedule a consultation.


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